
About Us

Our team of expert skin cancer doctors work across two sites in New Zealand - Christchurch and Auckland. When you visit Molecheck you will be checked by a highly-skilled skin cancer doctor who is able to diagnose melanoma and other skin cancers - often before they can be detected by naked eye or a standard scan. Some skin cancers are extremely difficult to diagnose, which is why it is important to seek the expertise of a highly experienced skin cancer doctor.


Our Auckland Clinic is now located at 193 Manukau Road, Epsom.

Dr Angela Jakobsen

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Dr Lynette Henry

MBChB.,FRNZCGP, Dip. Dermoscopy (SCCA) (Distinction)
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Dr John Carter

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Dr Raakhi Mistry

MBChB, PGDipPH, PGDipSurgAnat, Advanced Clin Cert Dermoscopy (SCCA), FRNZCGP
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Dr Ali Goldkorn

MBChB, Dip Paed, Dip TravMed, FRNZCGP, Advanced Clin Cert Dermoscopy (SCCA)
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Christchurch and Rolleston

Our Christchurch Clinic is located on Aikmans Road. Here you’ll find a friendly team of six specialist skin cancer doctors, supported by a team of nurses and receptionists. We also provide a clinic every Thursday in Rolleston at Evexias Physiotherapy, 3 Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston. Please email us to book.

Dr Angela Dowle

MBChB, Dip Obs, IDD(Graz) (Distinction), FRNZCGP
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Dr Nicki Hartland

MBChB, Dip Obs, IDD(Graz) (Distinction), FRNZCGP
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Dr Sari Lester

BA(Cantab), MA(Cantab), MBBChir, MRCOG(UK), MRCGP(UK), FRNZCGP, IDD(Graz) (Distinction)
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Dr Susan Cornah

MBBChB, FRNZCGP, ACCD (with distinction)
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Dr Phil Jacobs

MBChB, Dip Obs, FRNZCGP, Dip Pall Med, Cert Dermoscopy (SCCA), Adv Cert Dermoscopy, Dip Dermoscopy (HealthCert), NZSCD
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Dr Chris Vodde

Medical Dr (Belgium), FRNZCGP, Cert Dermoscopy, (SCCA), NZSCD
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Dr Charis Shepherd

MBChB (Distinction), FRNZCGP, BSc, MSc (Hons), PhD, Cert Dermoscopy (SCCA)
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Dr Omeed Howey

MBChB. FRNZCGP. Cert Skin Cancer Medicine (SCCA), Cert Dermoscopy (SCCA), Adv Cert Dermoscopy (HealthCert)
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